Prep Your Garden Tools For Winter

Show Your Garden Tools Some TLC Before Storing Them This Winter
As the leaves and temps both begin to fall, you might be getting ready to put away many of your garden tools for winter. Whether you hang them in a shed or stash them in an out-of-the-way corner of the garage, it’s important to clean and prep them properly before storing them if you want them to be ready when planting season returns.
Clean Tools Thoroughly
Metal tools especially — rakes, trowels, shovels, clippers etc. need to be washed free of caked-on dirt and sap before storage or you’re likely to find something that more closely resembles concrete when the weather warms again. If you don’t regularly clean off your tools during the growing season, this end-of-summer task may require a wire brush or metal scraper to eliminate debris so it’s important that tools are clean and dry to both prevent rust and to expose blades and edges for sharpening.
Sharpen Tools Dull from Use
If your trusty lawn and garden tools have seen some action, they are likely in need of a little TLC. Sharpening the edges and blades of your tools before storing them will not only make spring gardening faster and more efficient, it will create cleaner cuts that cause less damage to branches and roots.
Accusharp® offers a full line of lawn and garden tool sharpeners including the All-in-1 Sharpener for things like pruners, loppers, scissors and shears, the Axe & Tool Sharpener for large garden tools, and the GardenSharp Tool Sharpener for sharpening the edges of shovels, scythes, hoes and other single-edged blades. All of our products are rust proof, easily cleaned, and designed to sharpen blades and tools easily and efficiently.
Protect Tools From the Elements
Once tools are clean and sharp, inspect them for residual rust on any metal areas and sand off any you see with steel wool. Inspect wooden handles for cracks and splintering and rub them down with mineral oil or linseed oil to smooth and condition the wood.
Carefully wrap the now-sharp blades of your tools in an old blanket or some bubble wrap to keep moisture from settling on surfaces and to prevent anyone from coming in accidental contact with them.
Taking proper care of your garden tools will help ensure they are as ready as you are when spring arrives!